The Brief
Coke light wanted to strengthen their relationship and perception towards fashion. Furthermore the aim of the campaign was to generate PR within the fashion media.
The Solution
Thinkhouse made a concept that consisted of a 3-way partnership – Coke Light, a celebrity and a fashion brand. We teamed up with musician and tv-personality Pernille Rosendahl and the Danish fashion brand Vila from Bestseller.
Style icon and singer Pernille Rosendahl became the face of the campaign and Creative Director in the partnership with Vila, with whom she designed a special pair of jeans.
The jeans model were named “The Storm” – like Pernille’s band – and were branded with a Coke Light price tag leading you to download The Storm’s latest single.
All the Vila stores made window displays with the campaign. In the stores we sampled CD’s from the Storm and – of course – Coke Light.
The Results
The concept became a nationwide 360 degrees campaign that consisted of samplings, free downloads, massive earned and shared media. Media wise we had earned and shared media for more than 3 mill DKK.
Coca-Cola Light went from being associated with fashion to be active within fashion