We, Think PR and Thinkhouse, won the public bid on the project of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Constitution of 1915, offered by the Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs. An information and celebration campaign to a very broad audience - consisting of the entire Danish population.
The celebration of the 100th anniversary is a very sympathetic message. It can, however, be difficult for the target audience to relate to through the traditional communication channels.
We developed the idea and the creative concept, were responsible for all the planning and execution of the campaign, as well as marking and celebration of the 100th anniversary of women's right to vote and stand for election. And we made an idea and a concept that were very simple:
100 ambassadors, 100 speeches, 100 channels
The strategy was to turn everything upside down, and take account of influencers, social media and Word-of-Mouth by 100 selected, well-known Danes who each gave their own interpretation and celebration of the Constitution.
The concept was rooted in a social media campaign. The message spread through the influencers and ambassadors, that all appealed to and represented their own target audience, making it the largest and widest ambassador campaign ever in Denmark.
All ambassadors activated their own channels and media, including social media, newsletters, retail chains and websites just to mention a few. Furthermore all celebrations were picked up digitally. To make the campaign even bigger, the celebration was pushed through a huge PR strategy including all traditional media.
To activate the campaign, we developed activities to support the whole concept and celebration, such as a tailor-made show featuring a famous children’s TV host who went on tour around the country to the main shopping centres. This show, targeted at families with children, told about the importance and celebration of our constitution from the perspective of children.
For the younger part of the audience, we held a huge activity during the street party festival Distortion, with a music line-up and several of the selected ambassadors coming on stage giving their tribute to the constitution.
The culmination of the whole concept was a 100-minute live broadcast celebration show on Danish national televison, DR, on Constitution Day, with participation from the government and the Danish royal family.